Parent Resources
The CFBISD Department of Advanced Academic Services is committed to responsive, rigorous instructional programming that fosters the highest level of achievement and recognizes the need for each student to engage in intellectual challenge with creative, productive outcomes.
Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT) is an organization of educators and parents dedicated to meeting the unique needs of gifted and talented students. It is the nation’s largest state advocacy group of its kind, providing nearly 3,000 members and friends of gifted youth a forum for exchanging ideas and information about the education of gifted and talented students.
The mission of Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) is to empower families and communities to guide gifted and talented individuals to reach their goals: intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
Supporting the needs of high potential learners, National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) develops policies and practices that encourage and respond to the diverse expressions of gifts and talents in children and youth. NAGC engages in research and development, staff development, advocacy, communication, and collaboration with other organizations and agencies who strive to improve the quality of education for all students.
The largest program of its kind, participants in the Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search identify academic strengths, develop abilities and interests, and celebrate their achievements at a crucial time when they are forming their identities and looking ahead to the future. TIP assists families in determining how advanced their students’ academic abilities are and what level of educational challenge is appropriate.
Byrdseed is all about better understanding our gifted learners. The Byrdseed website offers options to learn how to differentiate lessons, teach across the content areas, and appreciate gifted kids' unique social and emotional needs.
Baylor University TIP - Talent Identification Program - Updates on Summer Programs
GEFN- Gifted Education Family Network - April 2024 Newsletter
NEW! Suggested Reading
Lisa van Gemert: Living Gifted. 52 Tips to Survive and Thrive in Giftedland
James Webb: A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children.
Susan Daniels: Living with Intensity
* These programs are shared by C-FB AGT as a service to our community. This is not an endorsement of any product
or service. C-FB AGT and its board member do not derive a benefit from these programs/services/events.