The Carrollton-Farmers Branch Association for the Gifted and Talented is an independent, voluntary organization of parents, educators and friends of the gifted. Our organization was established in 1978 and continues today providing resources for parents and advocating for students.
Our Mission
The mission of the C-FB AGT is to advocate for the needs of all advanced learners in the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District and ensure they receive appropriate educational opportunities.
C-FB AGT is a Non profit organization. We appreciate your support for our educators & families.
AGT Membership 2024-2025
Regular dues are $20 annually (Waived for this school year)
Please register for membership to stay involved!
Upcoming Events
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Check out CFB Parent Education committee’s newest series of videos for parents of young children.
Estrategias para ayudar a su hijo a sobrellevar la ansiedad
¿Sabe que le ayuda a mejorar el éxito escolar a su hijo, lo entretiene, divierte y fortalece el lazo que usted tiene con su niño? amar los libros. Lo invitamos a mirar este video corto sobre cómo puede leer en voz alta con los niños pequeños para ayudarles con la lectura. Link: https://youtu.be/QhTwvyoRr60?
Padres, es importante ayudar a nuestros niños a desarrollar el amor por la lectura desde que son pequeños, incluso antes de que puedan leer. Lo invitamos a ver este video corto sobre cómo seleccionar libros para niños pequeños. Link: https://youtu.be/oLa24kJUq2A
Padres, sabemos que usted tiene una vida muy ocupada y poco tiempo disponible, asi que le vamos a dar unos consejos de cómo ayudar a sus hijos con habilidades de lenguaje y lectura mientras juegan en el carro. Link: https://youtu.be/wRUVZ9E042A
Coping Skills Toolbox: Helping your child with Anxiety
Parents, do you know what will improve you child's success in school, delight, entertain and strengthen the bonds with your child? this magic thing is reading out loud. We invite you to watch this short video about Reading Aloud with Young Children.? Link: https://youtu.be/7dHxTfX1HKQ
Parents, it is important to help your child develop a love of reading starting when they are young. We invite you to watch this short video about Book Selection for Young Children. Link: https://youtu.be/HPgKTgr39jw
Parents, we know your life is busy and time is tight, so here are some tips on how to reinforce reading skills while playing games with your children in the car. Link: https://youtu.be/Z4w66qrHd40

Membership benefits
Monthly Newsletter full of valuable GT/2E content
Free and/or low cost family/parent/student events
Free Office Hour events for candid conversations
Access to a private Facebook group for an expanded community of other parents and advocates
Access to free GT/2E resources
Legislative updates on GT/2E related issues
A welcoming community
Click HERE to join free now.
One of our goals is to connect, inform, and empower families by partnering with educators and experts in the field of gifted education. We strongly believe in making sure there are no financial barriers or concerns for our families of Texas in doing so. Because of this, our membership to members is FREE!