Do You Have an Advanced Learner?
The CFBISD Advanced Academics service is unique in that the district offers many avenues for our gifted students!
A student may be referred for gifted and talented services by teachers, parents, administrators, counselors, students and other members of the community who believe the student may qualify for these services.
Identification of students is conducted to determine which students require service alterations because of their unique educational needs.
G/T Benefits in CFBISD:
Parent and teacher may refer for screening
CFBISD provides options for all students to be assessed and served in challenging academic services. Please contact your home campus for details.
Advanced Learner (G/T) services on every campus in CFBISD K-12
Advanced Placement (AP, High School)
Advanced Learner Honors classes (Middle School)
LEAP (G/T services for highly gifted students) available for grades K-8 at McCoy Elementary & Perry Middle School
Recognized by the Texas State Plan for Gifted and Advanced Learners
District provides options for professional development to ensure that all CFB professionals are aware of and committed to the services for gifted students.